Track Leads and Calls from All Marketing Channels

Optimize Your Marketing Agency Operations With Affordable Call Tracking Solutions That Deliver Maximum Impact for your Clients

Signup for a Free Trial Today!

Agencies save big by switching to AvidTrak. Experience premium quality call tracking services in a white labeled environment. Manage your client accounts and campaigns on one platform and allow individual clients access to their respective account.

$55 per month


Agency Account

monthly fee will be applicable after the trial period ends.

Monthly Fee Includes

  • 30 Local Numbers
  • 2500 Minutes
  • 1000 SMS (text messages)
  • 2500 Minutes Call Recordings
  • 300 CNAME (caller name)
  • 1000 Client Accounts
  • 10 Agency Sub Accounts

*Overage charges will be applied after package offer fully used for each functionality until next renewal.

Sign Up Now!
  • 30 Local Numbers
  • 2500 Minutes
  • 1000 SMS
  • 2500 Recording Minutes
  • 300 CNAME lookups
  • 1000 Client Accounts
  • 10 Agency Sub Accounts
Overage Charges


Local each
Toll-free each


Local per min
Toll-free per min


SMS per segment
  • Agency Master Login
  • Agency Sub Accounts
  • Block Caller
  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Greeting
  • Call Recording
  • Call Whisper
  • Client Individual Access
  • Client Billing
  • Customized Scheduled Reports
  • Distributed Forwarding
  • Dynamic Number Insertion
  • Email / SMS Notifications
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
  • Keyword Call Tracking
  • Offline Call Tracking
  • Online Call Tracking
  • Organic Tracking
  • PPC Tracking
  • Referral Tracking
  • Social Media Tracking
  • URL Targeted DNI
  • Wix,WordPress,Unbounce
More Features
  • Agency White Labeling
  • Audio to text transcription
  • After Hours Forwarding
  • CNAME lookups
  • Geo Forwarding
  • Reporting API
  • Simul/Seque Forwarding
  • Voicemail
3rd Party Integration
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads
  • Google Data Studio
  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • ServiceBridge
  • Zoho CRM
  • Customized Integrations

White Label Platform Setup Provided at No Extra Charge.

No Monthly Fee for Agency Platform (Contrary to Industry Norm)


AvidTrak Agency Platform is a single sign on call and lead-tracking platform that Print and Digital marketing agencies use to track the performance of their clients’ campaigns. The platform is priced to beat all its competitors and can save agencies that switch to the AvidTrak platform thousands of dollars every month.

Client Account Setup

The platform allows marketing companies to setup hundreds of individual client accounts that can be accessed by using unique User ID and Password assigned to each individual client account. Once the unique client account is setup, the Agency can deploy in the respective account as many tracking phone numbers (tollfree or local) as needed to service the client’s needs.

Agency Platform

Free Trial – No Credit Card Needed

Add hundreds of Clients to the Agency Platform.

Call Forwarding

Assign Individual User ID and Password to Each Client

Track calls from Offline Ads in Print, Radio and TV

Track Calls from Mobile and Online Marketing Strategies. Assess call-to-action results from PPC, Social, Organic, Display, Email Marketing, and more.

Integrate Call Data with Google Marketing Platform, Google Ads, GA-4, MSN Ad Center, HubSpot, Zoho and Salesforce.

see pricing

Track All Marketing Channels

Marketing professionals use AvidTrak to track the performance of the whole spectrum of demand generation media such as:

  • Print
  • Paid Search
  • Organic
  • Social Media
  • Display/Content
  • Email

Google and Bing Paid Search and Organic Tracking

Search Engine Marketers that use PPC and SEO tactics to drive traffic to their clients’ websites use AvidTrak’s Dynamic Number Insertion technology to validate the performance of their campaigns. Whether as a SEM practitioner you wish to track search keywords that drive phone calls, or SEO optimized page URLs, AvidTrak has solutions for you.

Implementing Keyword Tracking is effortless in AvidTrak.

AvidTrak-Agency Platform is Built from the Ground up to Support the efforts of Search Engine Marketing Agencies

  • Setup your client’s AvidTrak Account
  • Add JavaScript tracking code on your Client’s web pages
  • Apply Google/MSN Tags to your ads
  • Assign Call Tracking Numbers to your marketing channels
  • View your reports hourly, daily, weekly or monthly or setup automated Email Reports

Print Ads, Radio, TV and Billboard Ads

Because AvidTrak is so competitively priced, Marketing Agencies that specialize in lead generation via non-online channels, effectively deploy AvidTrak to gain insights into the performance of their offline marketing tactics.

Setting up your Clients’ Call Tracking Accounts to track calls from Offline Advertising spend in Print, Radio and TV is Easy

  • Acquire and setup call tracking numbers with Recording, Greeting, Voicemail, IVR and Email Alerts
  • View Reports Online or Setup Automated Reports delivered via email.
  • Pay for Call Tracking or setup accounts that allow your Client to Pay directly

Track Phone Leads from Mobile Campaigns

Mobile audiences can be segmented and targeted using a host of ad targeting techniques. AvidTrak’s low pricing allows mobile only marketing companies to scale tracking to allow for granular visibility into campaign performance.

Get Started with tracking calls from your Mobile Campaigns

Get Started with tracking calls from your Mobile Campaigns

  • Acquire and setup Mobile Call tracking numbers with Recording, Greeting, Voicemail, IVR and Email Alerts
  • View Reports Online or Setup Automated Reports delivered via email.

Tracking Phone Calls from Content, Display and Video Campaigns

Engaged audiences consume hundreds of hours of rich media every month. Tracking ad engagement and call to action performance, using AvidTrak’s custom tagging feature allows content marketers and platforms to prove the value of their work.

Use the AvidTrak Agency Platform to effectively track calls from all your Display and Content Marketing Campaigns

  •  Display Ad Call Tracking Accounts within Agency Platform.
  • Track Calls back to the Ad Creative, Publisher and Ad Network that created the Call.
  • Utilize Customized Tags in Display Ad to route calls to specific call centers.

Display Ad Call Tracking Accounts within Agency Platform.

Integrate Phone Call Data into Demand Generation, Analytics and CRM Platforms

Marketing Agencies use AvidTrak’s data integration capabilities to show the full picture of campaign performance. Unlike other call tracking providers, Agencies pay no extra cost to connect AvidTrak to their favorite platforms.

Easy integration into all popular marketing platforms and CRM.

Integrate Call Data into your Marketing Platforms and CRM

  • Report phone call conversions into Google Ads and MSN Ad Center
  • Use AvidTrak to seamlessly integrate with GA-4, Google Data Studio, HubSpot and many other popular Marketing Platforms.
  • Obtain closed-loop reporting by capturing call conversions into Salesforce and Zoho CRM.

Custom Reporting Delivered via API, FTP or Email – No Extra Cost!

Ask us about how we can create custom reporting for you and deliver it to you based on your schedule and your preferred method of delivery. We do this daily for all our Agency Partners at no extra cost.

Setup delivery of Automated Account Performance Reports using API, FTP or Email

  • Setup and send out daily, weekly, and monthly performance reports to your clients.
  • Deliver reports to clients via Email, FTP or API without any extra charges.

API, FTP and Email Reports


Delivering Caller User Experience

Optimizing campaigns by completing the ROI picture helps you to save money on ad spend. But enhancing a caller’s user experience after they have dialed your call tracking phone number allows you to close sales sooner and retain existing customers longer.
Below are some of the ways that thousands of AvidTrak’s own clients have been using AvidTrak’s standard no-extra-cost features to improve their caller’s user experience. To learn more about all the ways that AvidTrak can enhance your caller’s user experience, visit our Call Tracking Features page.


Record Phone Calls like a Pro so that you can listen to how your sales teams are performing in closing the sales leads that you generate. Use call recordings to coach your teams and to reward performers.

Seamless recording function

Record Calls with the Push of a Button

  • Use the recording function to record single or all numbers based on your needs.
  • Call recordings can be accessed through the User Interface, or downloaded to Excel.

Greet Callers

You can setup AvidTrak numbers to greet callers with a message as soon as the call is dialed. Greeting callers with a short but warm message enhances your business’s profile.


  • Use either the text to speech AI Engine or upload an MP3 to greet callers.
  • Greet callers with a message indicating the call is being recorded before the call is directed to the recipient.


If you are generating phone leads that are going directly to cellphones of your agents and office staff, you should use the Whisper feature to alert the call recipient the source of the lead. Alerting the recipient improves the chances of calls being answered promptly.

Whisper source of lead

  • A short Whisper message is used to alert the call attendant to the lead-source.
  • The caller does not hear the whisper.


A busy office is a good thing. But your customer’s may not want to keep holding until your team answers the call. Use the AvidTrak voicemail feature to activate based on a pre-determined level of rings. Call attendant will get an alert with the recording soon after the caller has left their voice message.


Allow callers to leave a voicemail message.

  • Set the number of rings before voicemail automatically turns on.
  • Listen to the voicemail recordings via UI or get an email and/or SMS alert with the voicemail recording.


As a business owner you want to keep your finger on the pulse of your business. You want to know whether phone leads are coming in and if they’re being answered promptly. Use AvidTrak’s email alert feature to get alerts on your mobile device or laptop. You will get critical details of the call and also a call recording that you can hear.


  • Get an Email alert when a call is received.
  • Use the call duration filter to only receive emails if the call is longer or shorter than a specified duration.
  • The Email alert includes caller ID, tracking number, date and time of call, any label associated with the number.


Does the AvidTrak JavaScript tracking code interfere with Google Ads conversion tracking or Google Analytics tracking?

AvidTrak does not interfere with Google’s tracking code. JavaScript tracking script is unique to each account and can be placed easily on your web pages by any web developer. Example of JavaScript tracking code is shown below. The code is to be placed at the bottom of the page just before the closing </body> tag

Can the same tracking code be used for Paid Search as well as SEO Keyword Call Tracking?

Yes! The AvidTrak JavaScript is a Universal tracking script which tracks clicks from Search (Paid and Organic), Display and Referral Sources which send you traffic.

How many call tracking numbers would I need to start my call tracking?

We recommend that you get at least 1 number per each visitor per hour. For example if your Google Ads campaign generates 100 clicks over 10 hours you would need at least 10 tracking numbers.

To get a more accurate average hourly traffic flow rate you may refer to your Google Analytics account and look at hourly traffic rates.

How much should I expect to pay for Keyword Level Call Tracking?

You would pay for your monthly phone number rental plus phone talk time. AvidTrak Pricing is very competitive and we offer a free trial as well.

I have more than 1,000 keywords in my PPC Account but 10 keywords are responsible for more than 70% of the clicks and ad spend. Is it possible to track calls only those 10 keywords instead of every keyword?

Yes. With AvidTrak you may choose to track all your or only a selected set of keywords.

Implementing call tracking for a targeted set of high value keywords allows you to focus your attention on only those keywords that incur you the most expenditure.

Can I track Organic Keywords? If not then what are my alternatives?

Organic keywords are increasingly being masked by search engines. An alternative strategy that is available to SEO specialists is to derive which page and combination of pages thereof lead to phone calls.

By using call tracking numbers specifically for the purposes of page visit URL tracking an SEO specialist may gather valuable data on which web pages act as entry pages and which pages are call conversion pages.

How many clients can I add to the agency platform?

There is no limit to the number of clients that can be added to the Agency Account.

Can I create sub-accounts within my agency account for account access for my colleagues?

Yes, all agency accounts can be setup with sub-accounts with unique login ID and password for each colleague. You can also customize which clients each colleague can access.

Can I setup auto deletion of call recording and call logs to comply with GDPR regulations?

Yes. By default, the deletion is setup for 24-months. However, an Account Administrator can setup the maximum number of days that call recordings and logs may be maintained in account before these data are automatically purged.

Can I send out email alerts with call recordings to my clients using my company’s email address?

Yes, email alerts can be sent out such that the From field will capture your company’s email address. Please contact our Support Team for assistance.

Are there extra charges to setup Email alerts?

There are no extra charges to setup email alerts.

Can I use my own carrier network on your platform?

Yes, you may use your own carrier network on our platform. You can license our software to use your own carrier network.

Can I create sub-accounts within my client’s accounts?

Yes, you may setup additional sub-accounts under each client account without incurring any extra costs.

Are there extra fees associated with integrating call data into marketing platforms and/or CRM?

Unlike other call tracking platforms, we do not charge extra for integrations into marketing platforms or CRM.

I am a Lead Generator, and my success rate is determined by the active leads that I can generate for my clients. How can I use AvidTrak to ensure correct attribution for every lead that I generate?

Combining the AvidTrak Call Tracking Platform with the AvidTrak Contact Center ensures that every lead that you generate receives correct attribution. The Call Tracking platform provides detailed information on your most effective marketing campaigns, and the Contact Center provides clarity on lead monetization by your client.

The Call Tracking platform proactively gives you information on the effectiveness of your leads, preventing scenarios where the lead is wasted by the client, or where the client is unable to maximize the potential of the lead, and mistakenly feels that the leads were ineffective.

Still have more questions? Call (888) 592-2921
or Email Info@AvidTrak.com

What some of our customers are saying about us…

“You guys have the best customer service in the industry.”

“Those other guys made me pay so much more for the same features, and they even charge extra for their nonexistent customer service.”

“I can’t believe you offer all the features I need at such a reasonable price.”

“I wish I had found you before I spent thousands of dollars more than I needed to, on the same functionality that you offer.”

“You are our company’s secret weapon.”

“I am closing so many more sales now that I’m using your Contact Center.”

Sign Up for an AvidTrak Account Today with A

Free Trial Plan

that includes

All the Features.

(No Credit Card Required.)



Includes: Volume
Numbers 30
Minutes 2500
SMS 1000
Call Recording Minutes 2500
CNAME Lookup Calls 300
Client Accounts 1000
Agency Sub Accounts 10
Try Free

* $20 free credit / 14 days
(whichever comes first)

Note: Overage charges will be applied after package offer fully used for each functionality until next renewal.



Includes: Volume
Numbers 10
Minutes 1200
SMS 1000
Call Recording Minutes 1200
CNAME Lookup Calls 400
Client Accounts 1000
Agency Sub Accounts 10
Try Free

* $20 free credit / 14 days
(whichever comes first)

Note: Overage charges will be applied after package offer fully used for each functionality until next renewal.

Start your Call Tracking Free Trial Today with $20 Credit

Call (888) 592-2921 or Email Info@AvidTrak.com for more information



Schedule your demo today.
